Monday, July 25, 2011

Stinging and Burning

My uterus and cervix have this new continual stinging and burning sensation. It feels like a bladder infection and it is freaking me out. I am trying not to google it but it is a really weird sensation. I would guess it was some sort of STD or Urinary tract infection but the stinging isn't as localized. It is a really weird feeling and it makes me worried that I am going to miscarry. What the heck is going on? Should I go to the hospital?


  1. I guess I would judge by how intense the pain is. If it's more than just uncomfortable, it might not hurt to go to the doctor. I wouldn't worry about miscarrying. I remember having so many aches and pains in my pregnancy that were really scary, and they ended up being normal. It could also be your uterus and ligaments stretching. It can feel like a burning sensation. But it doesn't hurt to get checked out!

  2. Thanks Michelle, I will wait and watch to see if it gets worse.

  3. Hmmm....I would call the doctor and let them know just in case they want to check it out for themselves...Maybe if it it still hurting by Wednesday then call....Good luck and sorry that you are having to deal with this!

  4. I have blog stalking for some time and thought i would comment too. I think that when it comes to pregnancy, especially with multiples you can never be too careful. Things will feel weird for a while but better safe than sorry.

  5. Just call your ob...they get paid lots of money to help reassure us!

  6. I had "stabbing vagina pain" which felt like something was stabbing my cervix in the begining. I'll still get it occasionally now at 33 wks. It was just ligaments stretching. I googled it :)

  7. If you ever have any questions or worries, just call your doctor. You're gonna get real, real used to this. There's no sense in sitting around worrying- honestly. You've been doing a lot of worrying, which comes with the territory of TTC and all of the problems that so many of us have been through- but it's not good for you or your growing little ones, so NEVER feel like you can't call the doc. I had to get over that fear of looking like a hypochondriac- and it was the best thing I've done. Now, I just get reassured by the doc (or get meds if I need them) and get back to my job of trying to be stress free for these two babies! :)

    You're doing a great job, KC! I know how difficult and worrisome this time can be- I'm hoping for a VERY smooth 9 months for you!

  8. You know... I will most likely feel silly for asking, but couldn't help but notice you said you were putting your progesterone suppositories um.... in a certain place and I couldn't log on to post a comment for the life of me! I'm curious - you're putting them up next to your cervix, aren't you??
