Thursday, July 21, 2011

Looking Good!

So we had our ultra sound today and it was completely nerve wracking. I was literally shaking so hard on the table that the ultra sound tech had to hold my legs still. I was full of nervous energy and it was uncontrollable. It was literally the hottest day of the year today (it broke record highs) and I was shivering with my teeth chattering. The good news is that we were able to see two gestational sacs. I was super excited and some of the nerves went away. The nurse was also able to point out a yolk sac in Baby A but wasn't able to note Baby B's yet. She said she thought she saw it beginning to form but it wasn't clear enough to be sure. I am over the moon and hoping and praying that both embabies stay where they are and continue growing and thriving. They are both measuring at 5 weeks and I love them already. Please, please, please let this really be happening. Now I have to wait 2 more weeks (yes, another 2ww) for my 7 week ultra sound where we will (please god) see the heart beats! I want this so badly I can't think straight. I am literally not functioning, all I do is think, eat, and sleep baby thoughts.


  1. oh my snot... two! how blessed!

  2. That's wonderful news!!! I'm sure it's a huge relief... for the moment... until you start getting anxious for the next u/s. Congrats!!

  3. Yay for two gestational sacs!!! I know you will be more relieved once you see heart beats but this is great news!!

  4. Wonderful news, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

    FYI, at my first u/s, Baby B wasn't even in the picture and Baby A's sac was clear as day! We didn't find out about her til the next appt. :) So no worries on one yolk sac not being as defined as the other, it could be literally a difference in hours in implantation.

    Welcome to the twin club! Sending you alllllll of my best Zen vibes. xoxo

  5. So fabulous girl! Congratulations!!! :D

  6. Woohoo for twins!!! That is so exciting. Praying for you and some really pounding heartbeats in a couple of weeks!

  7. congrats!!!! awesome!! hope this two weeks is quick and uneventful!

  8. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Yay congrats!!! And yes- welcome to the twin club. So so so fun. I'm totally excited for your next ultrasound already, but what an amazing thing- you've got TWO babies in there KC!!! Congrats mama!

  9. very exciting! hoping for a boring two weeks capped off with two strong hb's!

  10. YAY! Welcome to the life of twin pregnancy! I am 3 weeks ahead of you with twinnies and am super excited/nervous! I knew you had more than one in there!!!

  11. Great news, congrats! Hoping the next 2WW flies by!!

  12. That is wonderful news! The 2ww never ends...but at least now you will have something wonderful waiting at the end of those 14 agonizing days! Congrats and enjoy knowing that you have two little babies in there!

  13. Oh wow! I had a feeling with those big betas that there were more than one in there! I'm so very happy for you!!! And I hope this next two weeks goes by very quickly!!!

  14. FABULOUS NEWS - I was out of town - and couldn't wait to check your blog for results!
