Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Trying to figure this out

I can't find anyone who has such a high beta! This can't be right. Could she have read it wrong and meant 100. My sister even called to follow up and they told her 1000. This is ridiculous. I don't want to be octomom! I also found some info saying that reasons someone could have super high HCG levels are because of Molar Pregnancy, ectopic pregnancies, and Downs Syndrome. Another thing for me to obsess about!!


  1. That is a really high number! I don't think I've seen any of my blog friends have one that high?? Surely it must be 100?? I'm so confused too! If that's right, then it's wonderful! This may sound crazy as hell, but, is there a chance you could have been pregnant before the transfer???? I don't want to sound ignorant...just grasping at straws. Can't wait to hear how Saturday goes!!!

  2. ok, i hate to throw out things for you to compare this to because everyone is different, the possibilities you mentioned are possible to explain a high beta, etc, etc....but with that caveat and the fact that multiples appearing numbers can be singletons, here's one of the blogs i follow that had a very high beta with twins: . and yes, as other said, it's a doubling in 48-72 hours you look for, but as the number gets higher, the doubling slows. and i believe all betas are universally the same measurement unit. hope this info helps, or at least doesn't make your stress level higher :)

  3. Here is a site that one of the women from the Single Infertile Female Forum used and although you're number looks high to the median number for a singleton it's well below the highest.
    PS- Congratulations
    Theres is also a gal on the same forum who got her first blood HCG level results at 5 weeks and it was 42218 so the dr said its looking awesome so far.

  4. I just heard from back from my SIL and she said that the HCG is measured the same. That said mine were low but normal...67 with my son and 87 with my daughter at 9dp5dt (14dpo.)

    I had my first ultrasound at 6 wks 2 days both times and saw heartbeats even though it was early.

    I think ectopics start lower and also have spotting etc. Molars (my friend had one) have very high HCG are common, but not that common from what I understand. I am thinking that you just have high numbers!

  5. Thanks girls I am still freaking!

  6. You should ask for the Units for your HcG because the Units are different in US and Canada. The main thing is tha the beta doubles when you do it again in 48 hours, then get an ultrasound at 6 weeks Gestation age.

  7. Thanks, it is making me feel better that I can be up to 7000 by 5 weeks! I am hoping I double but moderately!

  8. the most important thing is the doubling....... dr. google can make a girl go crazy KC!! i know it's hard, but if i were you i would try to stay away....
    congrats to you lady!!! excited for saturday's results

  9. check my comment on your last post, but my numbers were really high at 13dp5dt. And I am having twins.

  10. My doctor had zero concerns about my high beta. I knew that twins was a good possibility and it turns out I was right on target. Try not to worry yourself and bask in the knowledge that you DID it! You should have another beta soon and then an ultrasound. Just hope those numbers continue going up!


  11. I did several Day 5 transfers and my clinic always tested me 11 days after the transfer. I was pregnant with twins each time... (First time Beta 1 was 555, Beta 2 was 1458. Second time beta was 701 and Beta 2 was 1700, Third time the 11 days fell on a weekend so I had to wait until 13 days and my first beta was 2400. They didn't even make me take the second beta!) I don't know if the measurements are the same in the US as Canada, but if so, I am thinking there is a good chance you have more than 1. CONGRATS!! Cannot wait to hear your next number!!

  12. OMG....all of your struggles, KC, and you're PREGNANT!!!!! I'm soooooo excited!!!!! Refrain from Dr. Google for now and wait for that second beta....omg! I'm jumping up an down for you! :D

  13. wow! That is really high! At 9dp5dt, mine was 176, then at 11dp5dt it was 692. I'm pregnant with twins! When is your next beta? That will help determine... it should be two days later!
