Saturday, July 16, 2011

Another High Beta!!!

My clinic just called and it was great news! My Beta today 14dp3dt is over 3,000. I know it is super high but I am not going to worry about it. The fact is, that I am pregnant. The nurse reassured me that it is okay and reminded me that although it is much higher than some people, because things double so quickly it isn't really that big. I am choosing to believe her and just going with it. I am as always "caustiously optomistic". The next step is the ultra sound and that is when I will actually believe I am truly pregnant. If I see a heart beat that day it will all be real. So now I am back to a 2ww. Who knew there was a 2ww after the 2ww!


  1. Yay!!! KC, I'm so thrilled for you! I am just catching up on blogs now. HOLY CRAP GIRL! I bet you have multiples in there. SO amazing. Can't wait to hear your u/s results.

  2. Congratulations, now all you have to do is focus on enjoying being pregnant!

  3. Please just enjoy this time. You are PREGNANT! And I am betting with twins?! Hopefully you get to hear/see the heartbeat, but I only got to see the 'sacs' on my first u/s. The heartbeats came at 6wks pg. Either way, it's an amazing experience!

  4. wow congrats!!! Okay now you just need to soak up this time and take pics and celebrate. Try not to think about what could happen and focus on the now and the miracle(S!) that are growing inside you right now.

  5. Oh that's great news! So happy for you guys!

  6. Woot Woot! That's awesome news! :)

  7. YIPPEE!!! We'll be waiting right along with you! :D

  8. Awesome news! Yes, this 2ww sometimes seemed worse than waiting for the beta. But then you'll go have that ultrasound and have great news to tell us all about. At our first u/s at 6wks we could just see the sac with yolk sac. Then at our next u/s (6w6d) we could see the heartbeat. So it was like a 2ww for the beta, followed by another 2ww for the u/s, followed by a 6d wait for the heartbeat. A suspenseful wait, but absolutely wonderful...and yours will be too!

  9. Oh I'm so happy! Glad you're able to not worry too much and just know (and say!!!) that you're pregnant!!! What an amazing feeling. Congratulations KC! We'll be waiting for even more good news (I'm sure it will be an exciting ultrasound...) :) :) :)

  10. Ha ha! I never thought about it that way, but you're right...the 2ww never ends! I am hoping for the best for you!

  11. Yayyyyyyyy!!! I've known people with higher betas go on to have successful pregnancies. No worries!!! :)

  12. Fantastic!!! I am so happy for you! Hang in there. There's a lot of waiting to go, but you're pregnant!! And that makes it all better. :-)

  13. Fantastic news! So happy for you!!!

  14. That's awesome!!! I'm so excited for you!
