Saturday, December 11, 2010

Still Bleeding

Yes I am still bleeding. It isn't very much, it is brown but it is there. It is mixed with the white cream from the supposits but it is there for the world to see. These cramps are serious, they can't be implantation cramps because I am a girl with endo and I can handle cramps. These cramps are not messing around and they are telling me that my period is not going to be held off by some measily progesterone supposits. I am sad and I am in pain. My back is killing, my head is aching, my mouth is unbelievably dry and my uterus is laughing at me. This cycle has been doomed from the beginning! I have mixed emotions. On one hand I wish I was still in the game and on the other hand I guess this is better than dragging it on and on. On a seperate note my cervix is enraged. Has anyone ever felt their cervix when they were just sitting down. Seriously who thought that was possible. I am having an alergic reaction to the progesterone. It isn't strong enough to hold off my period but it is irratating the heck out of my cervix. I appreciate people saying there is still a chance but let's get serious for a second. If this is implantation bleeding then our embryos must be the size of an elephant.


  1. I hate to be another bringer of potentially false hope, but my understanding is that if your cervix is really irritated it can bleed sometimes too. Maybe that's the case? At any rate, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this incredibly tough 2ww. Hang in there.

  2. I would call your RE and see what they think if this is bothering you. Perhaps it is the progesterone or they can maybe give you an early beta???
    hang in there.

  3. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I think you should call your RE also and tell them what's going on and also ask about your cervix. I'm really sorry, this sucks so bad!`

  4. I also think you should call your RE - tell them what is going on. Hopefully then they can get you in for an early beta and clear it up so you will know for sure. So sorry this is happening.

  5. i agree kc, b/c some of those other symptoms sound like pregnancy symptoms too.. like the back ache, the head ache and the dry mouth... if you have a chance to call you RE to get an early beta that might help at least let your mind be at rest.

  6. Implantation isn't the only kind of bleeding that can happen with a pregnancy. Lots of changes going on in there. You definitely need to call the re about the progesterone. Mine got a little irritated... I can't even imagine it feeling enraged.

    Hugs and peace while you are still waiting this out. When is your beta?

  7. I agree that you should cal RE, the friend that I referred to in my last e-mail, I remember her calling me in tears, because she had to stop the progesterone shots, she had a fever and was bleeding....she is now 23 weeks, healthy and please don't give up hope yet. I am thinking of you.

  8. I am thinking of you! Whatever may come, we are here for you.

  9. Hang in there! I'm sorry you are feeling so miserable...Hopefully your RE can give you some answers on what's going on in your body!

  10. Definitely call your RE. The on-call RE will be happy to talk to you. Maybe you need to be doing PIO shots rather than suppositories. ??

  11. I agree with the other ladies - definitely call the RE. This sucks - I'm so sorry this 2WW had been so terrible for you. I'm sure this has to be so stressful for you! Hugs to you...
