Friday, April 1, 2011

Egg Donor??

Well our appointment had some good points and some discouraging points. This was the first time we have ever talked to Dr. G for more than 10 minutes so that was a bonus. Although he was over an hour late for the appointment it was nice that we had all of our questions answered. To start off I was pleasantly surprised that he didn't try to talk me out of moving on to an egg donor. Actually he had just come from a meeting about the clinic's new egg clinic (that's why he was late). Finally we are able to get eggs in Canada (although they are frozen and shipped from the United States). He said he thought I was being very level headed to move on to a donor and that he was impressed that I came to this decision so easily (let me assure you it was not easy but I just went with it). The negative was when he said he doesn't generally like to use an egg donor of my sister's advanced age (clearly 38 is not a positive). I know that her age isn't ideal but obviously I would prefer to have a genetic link and the cost difference is substantial. He said that if she doesn't have a high antral follicle and if her FSH level is high they will not accept her as a donor. Obviously I don't want to waste my sister's time and energy but knowing that she has had 3 healthy babies and no health issues I really figured we would give it a try even if she doesn't have the perfect stats (she isn't 25 so let's be realistic here!). At times I felt like Dr. G. was pushing the new egg donor program a little. I know that the success rate would be higher but as I mentioned earlier it is out of our budget (for now) and I would prefer some genetic link. Hubby says that if our clinic decides my sister isn't a good donor, then we should get a second opinion, and I agree. My major worry is that they will scare her off. Obviously this is a huge deal for her to be doing this and I don't want to risk her health but I am being selfish. I am sick of obstacles, nothing seems easy. Oh, and I am still obsessing that something is wrong with my uterus (because why would anything on me work). I have tons of lady pains and I worried about not being able to carry a baby if we do end up using my sister's eggs. I will have schedule another sonogram (ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!) which scares me because I am one of the few that found it very painful (my dr says it is because my cervix is so damaged from my endo). Does anyone know if endo usually affects carrying a baby?
So what next???? My sister has an appointment on April 13 to meet with the Dr. so that he can decide if she is there of her free will. Then if that goes well she have will a day 3 FSH test (Around April 26) and then she will have an ultra sound to see her antral follicle count around May 3. So I guess I will know sonner than later if she will be a viable donor (fingers and toes crossed). In the mean time we both have to go to a psychologist to make sure we are stable to go through the process.
So that's that, wait again.
I hope everyone is doing well and there are lots of pregancies out there in blog land. I haven't been reading posts because I have been trying to distract myself from fertility stuff. However, I know I will be hitting the blogs hard for support after this weekend. I am going to visit a friend and her cousin who are both 6 months pregnant and I know the converstation all weekend will be baby related....pray for me that I behave.


  1. i agree with the both of you that if he doesn't deem her "acceptable" that you should definitely get a second opinion. hell, maybe get one anyway. thinking of you and hoping this works SOON!

  2. I agree with getting a second opinion. I would also check on the forums of and ask about clinics that are more willing to work with "older" patients. I have heard of several people being turned down because of FSH levels and then moving onto another clinic where they are successful!!

  3. Good luck to you and your sister!!!!!! I am sorry your RE is so discouraging!!!

  4. So frustrating that your RE is giving you a hard time about using your sister as a donor - you definitely should get a second opinion if they don't accept her. Good luck!

  5. Hi! Long time lurker here! I have endo too, and my OB had told me, that when/if you become pregnant, the pregnancy actually helps slow it down and sometimes isn't as painful when pregnant. Good luck!

  6. Very interesting - I think you should definitely give it a go with your sister - whatever her sats. I just met a woman of 39 who got pregnant first time with FSH of 18 (and a non existent AMH). In my current cycle (of injectables) I had an FSH or 20 - And the Doc just told me how extraordinarily well I responded to the very small amount of medication. I sometimes think doctors just like to measure things - It gives them a feeling of control - where in actual fact they have very little! Good Luck!

  7. Wow, you have a lot going on!!!
    I hope all goes well wtih your sister. I bet she will be fine.
    I will be thinking of you this weekend, I hope it isn't too bad!!

  8. Great news that you are moving forward. Definitely a good idea to get a second opinion if your clinic says no to your sister - they could just be pushing the new program as you say. I hope she passes with flying colours!

  9. Push for your gut instinct..... I was 38 and produced 33 eggs two times.... We got a BFP with our first IVF but a blighted ovum. BFP with FET but blighted ovum. Our last fresh cycle.... we got a BFP from three embies and have five frozen. I'm 27 weeks pregnant with a perfectly healthy son. Best of luck - I follow your progress :)

  10. i agree with your hubby. a second opinion can't hurt if your current clinic won't work with you. you have to do what works best for you guys, not necessarily what it statistically the best. as for endo affecting the ability to carry a baby, the verdict is out. some say yes, some say no. i wish there was an easy answer. hope your sister's appointment goes well!!!... ps... come visit me at my new blog:

  11. A second opinion can't hurt. I know that facilities have their standards for these types of things, but, they should be at least willing to entertain the idea! If you aren't 100% on board with what he says, you have the right and should go talk with someone else! Hugs and thinking about you!!!

  12. Egg donation is a process that allows women to donate their eggs to infertile women. This procedure also allows infertile women to have children of their own. During the egg procedure, the doctor extracts egg cells from the patient's ovaries.

    egg bank
