Thursday, February 10, 2011

Going through the motions

I don't know what it is but this cycle feels different. I haven't Dr. Googled anything and I don't even know the names of some of the drugs I am injecting. I don't know if it is because I am still in denial that I am going through this again or if it is because this is such a short and unexpected cycle. Maybe I haven't had time to process things. I started my injections today (one down 2 to go) and it felt more annoying than last time. I think last time I was so excited to get the process going that I was looking forward to injecting (not the physical act but the signifigance of the injections). Now I can't help but say to myself, is this doing anything! I know, I should be positivie if I want positive results but hell that didn't work last time. I am not doing accupuncture this time and I am not taking all of the vitamin suppliments. Plus have a terrible cold (maybe that is why this is such a negative post) and I feel like shit. The one thing I am going to do though is take more days off from school this time. Last time I felt that I had to get back in the classroom as soon as possible. Now I feel like I am just going to take whatever time I need. The admin at my school knows I am doing IVF and they seem to be supportive so why not.
I have my ultra sound appointment on Sunday to see if my ovaries actually respond this time!!! I am hoping to have enough eggs to supply the easter bunny!
Oh yeah and the worst news about the cycle is that I have 5 cycts. This actually makes me nervous because they were thinking of cancelling the cycle because of them. I just hope they didn't let it go forward because they wanted the $$$. Does anyone know how multiple cycsts influence IVF? The nurse told me that it should be okay as long as my estrogen levels are stable. I hate the "it should be okay"!!! I wanted her to say something more along the lines of "it will not influence your IVF at all".
I hope you are all doing well with your pregnancies, and in your journey to conceive. I have not been able to bring myself to follow pregnancy posts but I truly from the bottom of my heart wish you all the best!


  1. Hey there,
    I stumbled across your blog (in a somewhat similar situation- my egg quality sucks). My hubby and I are going into our 5th and final ivf before moving to donor... and just wanted to let you know that as long as your cysts are small and not producing estrogen, it really should not impact your ivf cycle. And, I am not sure if it helps, but know that ivf centers also care about there stats too, so the doc does want to give you the best shot as this also gives them the best shot at keeping stats decent. So, it it meant holding you off until the cysts went away in order to improve your odds, I am sure they would have done it! GOOD LUCK!!

  2. good luck at your u/s on sunday. ugh! about the cysts. sorry. i'm not sure exactly how they affect the cycle. but hoping you'll know more on sunday. thinking of you!

  3. you have a blog award!

  4. I've been lurking for a while. I hear you about feeling crappy about your cycle. I just started my injections yesterday and just don't feel very positive about it either. My last cycle didn't go as planned. I think for me, not being so optimistic is a way of saving myself from another huge blow. If you don't have high hopes then you don't have so far to fall. I hope your cycle turns out better than the last. Just as one of the ladies above said, your doctors are looking out for their stats too, so they probably wouldn't want you to continue if they didn't think you had a chance. Good luck!

  5. I hope this time is different . . . .and you get your BFP!!!!

  6. Because cysts are big ace holes. It jacks up your estrogen and then you are all out of whack for FET. I dunno really. They come and go - they are not dangerous except to your cycle.

    Ups and downs momma. Ride them out. I agree they wont do it if they cause a risk to implantation. Mine was a giant mofo.

  7. Oh sending you good luck! I so hope this is the cycle for you! Definitely a great idea to take more time off. This is such a hellish experience that it's good to take that time when you can.

  8. Wishing you all the best with this cycle. About the cysts. I had a persistent one for several months through a couple of IVF rounds and they weren't concerned with it because it wasn't producing estrogen. On the other hand you still have lots of opportunity here to hold off until another cycle if that feels right. I suspect you'll know more after your next monitoring appointment about how you're responding (and whether they suspect the cysts are keeping you from responding properly.) Hoping they don't though, and that you get lots of follicles!

  9. Sorry hon. I have not done IVF yet, but Icompletely imagine what a IVF failure would feel like. I go through high and low days as well and it is supposedly normal both chemically and emotionally. I wish you all the best and I hope you get that elusive BFP this time.

  10. I am so glad to see you are "back in the saddle." Sometimes just going through the motions is the best thing to do. I found that every cycle, I did that more and more. I just did my shots, bloodwork, etc. and tried to leave the emotions of it all out...of course they always crept it toward the end, but I think it's some kind of defense mechanism. Hoping the cysts will be just fine and that you get some good news on Sunday. PS - Completely understand about not following the pregnancy posts. I never could do it either. Hope you don't mind if I still cheer you on!

  11. I completely get going through the motions. I'm doing this now... I think it's our way of protecting ourselves, and I truly don't believe that it will have any impact at all on our results. I'm really hoping you have an awesome ultrasound tomorrow and get great results!
