Wednesday, November 24, 2010

and then there were five.....!

Well not what I dreamed about but I guess 5 are better than just one measly follicle. At first I got excited because while I was having the ultra sound the ultra sound teach counted out loud and from what I overheard there were seven on the right side and two on the left. By the way I hate the left because it is where I have the majority of my cycts and this just gives me more reason to hate it. Anyways, when I met with the IVF nurse she said that in fact that I had three on the right and two on the left. They are all measuring approx 1.2 (I don't even know the units of measure). Again I am not totally excited about the results but I don't get any reaction from the IVF nurse. She said that my ovaries have been working hard since Monday and that 5 follicles is absolutely fine. Uh hello lady.....for close to $8,000 fine isn't what I was hoping for. I wanted to be a follicle making machine. The doctor said the goal was 10-15 and I would have liked to have had 16 for good measure. Anyways, like hubby always tells me I am not going to have a pity party. Five is enough to do a retrieval and we only need 2 for transfer day anyways. Also I am thinking that maybe the other follicles the ultra sound tech counted might have been just a bit too small to count and might grow for my appointment tomorrow. At this point I would be over the moon for nine follicles!
Confession- Last night I tried to convince hubby to inject me with all the left over drops in my Gonal F pens. It would have been a total of less than 40 (again I don't know the unit of measure) but it would have made me feel better. He wouldn't do it but I know I can break him. Tonight I am using a pen that has 300 in it and I am only supposed to use 225. I am going to do my best to convince him that we should use the entire pen. I know you are all thinking I am crazy...and you are correct. I am baby crazy and in my opinion the doctors are just guessing my dosage. Come on I produced 9 follicles on my own with no meds during my observation cycle (and that was on day 3!).
I wish everyone else a very successful month whether you are cycling or not!


  1. Glad the follies are growing well KC!

  2. You're right - 5 follies are better than one, but I get why you might feel a bit disappointed. I have my fingers crossed that everything will go well.

  3. DON'T DO IT, only take what the doctors are telling you to. If you are injecting yourself with more then is on the chart it can lead to a very bad outcome. you could cause the larger follicles to mature not letting them smaller ones to catch up, then you would egg up with even less then five.

    I know it is hard but your body can react differently each cycle, one week we can be an egg making machine and the next month not so much.

    I hope you have smaller follicles that are still trying to catch up.

  4. Thanks for the posts and the crossed fingers. I actually wouldn't use extra drugs I just like to think I would. Luckily dh is the voice of reason because I would be tempted! Plus I am too much of a suck to inject myself!

  5. It's such a roller coaster ride...pissed to have only 1, then think you have 9, which you feel good about, and then 5 feels like a bit of a let down. Try not to get too hung up on the numbers just yet. During several of my cycles, I have been so upset during the early U/S screenings only to have more follicles come along later and all the tears were for nothing. I know it's hard, but try and hang in there, do what the doctor says and feel good that you are doing everything you can to make this work. The rest is out of our control.

  6. I really would not worry about 5 at this point. You are still early on so your body is still growing other follicles. Try not to focus on the 5! In my appointment today I have 5 good sized ones as well and I think we are on roughly the same schedule. The clinic actually just called and lowered my dose as my estrogen is booming...not sure what that means yet.

    Looking forward to your update tomorrow!

  7. I love it, for $8000, you want to make it count! Five is good though! Who knows you may ahve some late bloomers!
    Fingers crossed for you! I have a good feeling!

  8. 5 is a lot better than 1!!! And I bet you will have more at the next u/s. Def don't do more than the Dr tells you to. Believe me I've had those same thoughts several times before (about Gonal-f, thyroid meds, etc). And each time I held off and did what the Dr said and each time I was VERY glad I did. You never know what can happen. Luckily your DH is doing the injecting, lol! ;)

  9. First, the estimates that they have on the u/s do not always correlate to what they will retrieve, so there may be more than 5 in there. Second, 5 good quality eggs beat 10-15 crap eggs any day.
    Hang in there. I am pulling for you....

  10. You can work with 5! Maybe you will get lucky and they will all be viable and then they can pick the bestest!
    I am not on the Gonal-f however, just Clomid. And I only got one measly follicle this cycle! I wanted 2 for the IUI! Dang it all.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog & your encouraging words! Five is definitely enough...will be thinking of you & sending lots of positive vibes your way!!!

  12. I wouldn't use more drugs - you can cause your follicles to over-mature and only get one or two.... I know it's difficult but a lower does can coax small follies to mature. Good luck!!
