Thursday, June 30, 2011


Well what a whirlwind! It has been a very dramatic 24 hours. Let me start by saying that the egg retrieval was awesome and I am so happy that I went in the room with my sister and was a part of it. It was truly moving seeing the eggs being retrieved and I will remember it for a very long time. Initially I didn't want to go in because I didn't want to invade her privacy but it was so incredible to see everything go down that I am so happy the nurse encouraged me to go in. So the results of her egg retrieval are phenomenal. They were able to retrieve 16 eggs!!! As my sister says "not bad for a 38 year old". We were over the moon and my sister is very sore and exhausted. I had her kids for the day, sent her for a massage and then went to bed by 8pm. It was an absolutely incredible day!
The lab called today with our fertilization results and I am happy to say that 9 eggs fertilized. To be 100% honest it is less than I expected after we retrieved 16 eggs but still fabulous. Being an infertile I am really curious why the fertilization percentage is lower than anticipated but 9 is more than I could have hoped for or dreamed of.I am wondering if some of the eggs weren't mature or if hubby should have abstained longer than he did. Gosh, why do I torture myself. Anyways, now the wait is on to see how many of the eggs will divide and to determine if we will do a 3 day or 5 day transfer. I have to admit that my feelings have changed a bit at this point. I want the embies to make it so badly that I am nervous about waiting for 5 days. Please everyone send me your positive vibes for our 9 little embies!!!


  1. Glad the news is good. this is a hard part for me, waiting for the transfer, not feeling sure how many will make it. I am pulling for you and your 9 little guys. Your sister is amazing.
    fingers and toes are crossed

  2. My sister is amazing!! Do you think 9 is good? Sorry I always seem to need reassurance these days! Thanks for the support!

  3. Wow, 9 fertilized is sooo great! I can't wait to hear how they grow!!!!

  4. amazing! hoping your little embabies make it....and hoping for all your dreams to come true!

  5. Wonderful news - 9 embryos is fantastic!!! I hope those little guys grow and grow and then nestle in deep in you!!! So excited for you...

  6. Nine is a great number!!!!!

    I am so happy for you!!!!

    Grow Little Embryos Grow!!!

    As for the number, that is pretty good odds, remember not every egg is going to fertilize even if you are trying naturally. Not every egg and sperm is perfect, there could be something abnormal with either one that would halt them from fertilizing, this is why it can take people a while to get pregnant even naturally!!

    I am praying for you little guys!!!! And sending you lots of nice thick lining vibes!!!

  7. This is such great news! Your sister is such a trooper!!! Anxiously awaiting your transfer and so excited for you!

  8. I am so glad to hear this great news. 9 fertilized is a great number and I hope that all of them grow and grow into nice blasts.

  9. Go embies go! THat is a great number, much better than I got at 32 years old on two separate occasions. All you need is one...or two...or three...

  10. Let me reassure you that 9 is just fine! I had 14 retrieved and 10 fertilized (I'm 30). Out of those 10, only 5 were viable to transfer/freeze. you and your sister should feel very satisfied with the results!

    What an amazing thing she is doing!

