Monday, June 27, 2011

12 is my new favourite number!

They are now predicting that she will have 12 eggs so I am now hoping for atleast 8 embyos. I am over the moon!!! Retrieval is set Wednesday at 7am. Hopefully we can have a 5 day transfer. G just emailed me that we should try for 12-tuplets....haha. Gosh we would be happy with one healthy baby. I just can't believe it, something in this journey is going right!!! For the first time in our quest to conceive we might have some frosties!! I know this isn't as big as a BFP but I will take it. It just means that we are maximizing our chances to getting to our ultimate dream. Wow, wow, wow!!!!!


  1. Oh wow, congratulations! So happy for you!! Hope it all works out!

  2. Wow - this is amazing! Everything is looking so very good - I'm so happy for you! Good luck at the retrieval on Wednesday!!!

  3. That is great news!!!

    Keep growing little eggies!!!

    Good Luck on Wednesday!!!

  4. Amazing news!!!!!! I hope it just keeps coming!!!
