Monday, September 23, 2013

19 months and barely hanging on

Some days I feel like we are holding on by a thread. Yesterday was a thin thread day. Actually it was the scariest day since the boys were born. Fynn managed to break into our cleaning cupboard, that had a baby proofed lock on it, and drink a gulp of Pine Sol. Yep, not going to be winning The Mother of the Year Award around here. Please do me a favour and move you cleaning products to the highest shelf in your house. He is fine but it was terrifying.
I say it every month but my boys are busy and some might describe them as terrors. They climb constantly and find anything they aren't supposed to get into. They smash their heads into walls or the ceramic floor if I say no and have temper tantrums daily. Give me strength!!!  When we go to the park all they want to do is throw rocks or sand.
Sometimes i feel like an abused woman. They hit me, they pull my hair and occasionally they bite me. This is not a fun stage.
I can't go to the bathroom without them loosing their minds and throwing themselves violently at the door. If I let them come in they try to put the toilet brush in their mouths and bang the baby proofed doors as loud as they can. They also whack me with the toilet seat by trying to open and shut it.Lets's not even get started on the toilet paper.
 I can't even sweep the floor they scream to hold the broom, step in the dirt or try to eat the crumbs. When I feed them they throw their food on the floor, take the lid off of their sippy cups and dump it in the floor, kick the bottom of their food trays and scream bloody murder.
Even our sacred bath time is no longer peaceful. They are obsessed with taking the plug out of the bottom of the bath, they scream and throw fits if they can't play with it. They try to drink their body wash and I have to sit on the edge of the bath or they climb up and try to stand on the edge.
I take them out at least twice a day because if they are constantly stimulated they behave much better. Luckily they nap well and sleep 12 hour a night or I would be in an institute.
I know they are frustrated because they aren't able to communicate their needs so hopefully an end is in sight. Plus once their attention span is longer than 5 minutes maybe I can keep them stimulated in the house longer. They are physical guys and they are constantly on the go, what the heck am I going to do in the winter. Don't get me wrong I have drop in programs we can go to almost every day but without the park where will they get all of their energy out.


  1. I could have wrote this post myself! It really isn't the most awesome stage. It has it moments, but WHEW! And you have double the trouble! I can't imagine! Your boys sounds just like V temperament wise, and I wish I had some words of advice but we're going on 21 months and I'm struggling most days. Like you, keeping him stimulated is the best bet. I love going out to the zoo or whatnot because it keeps him so occupied. I definitely feel your pain though momma! Hang in there- this too shall pass :)

  2. Thanks I really feel like my boys are the only ones like this. Glad I am not alone, although sorry to hear you are dealing with it too. It is harder than I ever thought it could be!

  3. It is not easy. It is soooo NOT easy. So far our toughest ages have been 18-20 months and 24-26 months. My girls aren't as physically "busy" (is that a good way of putting it?) ;) as your boys sound, but they make up for it in tantruming and constant (CONSTANT) squabbling over toys or my attention. It's exhausting. The newborn phase with twins was a cakewalk compared to twin toddlers. I feel ya. Hang in there!!

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, I agree newborn twins are a piece of cake compared to toddlers. I am hanging on but it isn't pretty!

  4. Oh my. You are a rock star. Seriously. About a year ago, my friend who has a boy a year younger than E looked at me in desperation and told me that it's got to be easier when T would xyz. I looked at her like she was crazy because it most certainly had not got easier with E...until like a few months ago (33 months). Suddenly, he's much much more manageable. So yes, you win mother of the year award regardless of what might have happened. Lets face it, your kids are healthy and obviously flourishing. So that's what you get the award for. Hugs. xxx

    1. Thanks!!!!!! I can't wait until it gets a bit easier I am aging rapidly. 33 months is a long way away but at least I know the end is in sight!

  5. I definitely find this stage (18 - 20 months... so far) is the hardest of all... way way waaaay harder than newborn (at least in my household).... and I only have ONE!! I cannot imagine double all of what Lids dishes out on a daily basis. I don't know how I would do it! Hang in there. Toddlers are tough.

  6. I am glad I am not alone! Then I hear about people potty training and I think, as if!

  7. Whew! I think our lives are exactly the same here! Hope things have gotten better for you. My resolution is to keep up with my blog and all of my blog friends in 2014…lol!
